Friday, 15 May 2009

hey guys !!!hows it going? i finally figured out how to post!!!!!!!!!! alittle late but better late than never :) .....any way we just went 2 DC it was a BLAST!!!!!!!!!we went 2 sleep at 11 and woke up at 2:30 am!!!!!!!!!!only the bus was at 4:30......whenwe finally got on the bus after waiting for ages we had to drive for 5 hours strait!!!!!!!!!we went to the capitol the botanical gardens,the houlocoust museum,a differant boring) museum,the supream court, souvenir shopping and of course picture was da bomb!!! this is my first time posting so when i figure out how to post pictures ill post some
good shabbos


Mushkie said...

Hey Sara, sounds like you had a whole load of fun!!!!!
If you go to the top right hand of the blog sends New Post, click on it then the 3rd icon from the right. (A small picture of a mountain and sky.) Click on that. Where it says browse click it and find where the picture is saved on your computer. If you want to put more then one picture just click add anouther image on the top left. GOOD LUCK :)! XXXXX

Ariella said...

yeah my school also went to washjington we went for 2 and a half days it was a blast we took sooooooooooo many pics

Chaya Klein said...

we r going to philly for two days!

Rivky said...

no, chaya klien. were going to philly and then to hershey park the next day!!!

Chaya Simon said...

go eighth grade!!!!!!!!! especiallly eighth grade, cheder chabad!!!

chaya klein any comments on my comment?

Rivky said...

i have a comment chaya simon.

no comment.

Chaya Simon said...

oh, come on rivky, you can do better than that

Chaya Klein said...

no FT, no comment.

Chaya Simon said...

FT??????? s/o want to tell me what that stands for?

Sara B. said...

french toast,fresh tea, fried telapia,fingers toes,forgoten tomatoes........who knows make it up,after all thats how these things get started, be creative..........................

Rivky said...

It actually stands for financial times. its an old english saying. wtvr.

Chaya Simon said...

wow, ck, rg, i don't get where the FT comes in. want to explain?

Rivky said...

i have no idea where it comes , chaya klein just told me what it means.

Chaya Simon said...

fine then, chaya kl, want to explain?