I dressed up!!!!!!!!!! Our class decided to do a theme together, we were international: I was a peasant girl, someone was an American lawer, French, from the Tropical Islands, Japenese, and Visigoth(goth). We had tons of fun, and took lots of pictures! We had this weird drummer, who sang songs from all over the world
Mama's had a baby like shortning cupcakes, Mama's had a baby like shortning cakes, lol Chaya

My class, minus two girls, plus my cousin
Me and Bracha
Wow!!! lookin great!!
thanx, thats me in the middle with the kimono. overgrown blackberrys, omama, omama, timony cricket, mamas had a baby like shortning cupcakes. lol chaya!
Which ones u?
cute. i was sick with fever on purim ;(
I am the one with the scarf on my head and a gold shirt
well my class all dressed up as princesses
it was really funny
and each class in my school had to do a purim shpiel so we did a fashon show on princesses from all around the world
it was really cute and funny
hope you all had a good purim
chaya klein how are you feeling? were you in school on friday? btw, chaya, i had some chips i wanted to give you, but she said you wouldn't like them. they were banana chips! you sure you dont' like them? it should be better than birdseed anyway!
chaya koso and bracha, you look fun!
lol chaya simon. like no one came on friday were you also sick?
chaya and chaya r u coming to school tommorow?
been working on science project for past 4 hours
chaya simon didyou start yours yet? you better have
try to guess who i am but im not telling.
ok guys, this blog is officially for emunah '68.....it became the wolff & kosofsky blog.......i think u should just make ur own blog that can have all ur private jokes on it......beccause u write things like that song and every one is probably thining "huh?" or "what the heck i thought this blog is for cmp emunah did i log into the wrong one?"!!!! so the wolffs and kosofskys i think i am going to start a protest with words...........MAKE YOUR OWN BLOG!!!!!!!!
i know, seriously stop. i mean wed luuuv to here about your isreal trip but all these songs and private jokes are really really annoying
do u want me to explain them to u? theyre not really very inside jokes. thanx 4 noticing me btw. every1 in camp ignores me.
"everyone in camp ignores me"
whats that supposed to mean??????????
last anonymous, i guess you are.... hey, you never know, who it's gonna be. but i think i do know! oh, and you have to tell me if i'm right or wrong!
ok. i'm guessing someone who has not been on this blog before. you have to have been here on friday (probably), which means you can't be malka. and because you were working on you science project for 4 hours (good for you!!) and you're asking me about mine, i'm guessing you are, none other than... rivky gurkov!!!(?) please tell me if i'm right or wrong.
back at my last comment, sorry, it wasn't the last anonymous, it was the one before that.
wow, you actually spelled my last name and Chaya's right!!!
chaya simon i knew you would guess right but wtvr. and what do you mean by "never been on the blog b/4"? im on this blog aloooot.
and the science fair is pushed off just b/c of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no just kidding alooot of girls are sick prob b/c of the mold.......
get better faaaaaaaaast
dear last anonymous (i noticed u didnt want to write ur name),
btw, if ur trying to hurt my feelings, its not working. this got a big laugh in school.
how is it not okay for us to write about israel, but its ok for a whole bunch of anonymuses to say that chaya gansburg stank! moderator, start deleting comments!
dear chaya wolf
i seriously didnt mean to hurt your felings im just really really curios you would say everyone in camp ignores you
seriosly im innocent
basicly, anonymous, it means that the staff favors certain people multiple times over other people, meaning the ones with connections
eggsactly. also its just like, i was kind of there without being there. it was only in the 3rd week that ppl. actually knew my name. im just the "out of towner who lives in nowhereland"
oh thats mean sorry poor you
dear chaya wolff,
no one is trying to hurt you but i totally agree!!!!! its nts...i mean im really happy for you that you have fun in scchool and youu have fun with your friends but seriously make your own blog and no one will bug you!!!!! and also i dont think anyone said "oh that out of towner from nowhere land.." because you so happened to be in b.m.d. and not in regular emunah so how would they know you (its not like you go to bais riva and get ignored there)??? if you want i can give you step by step instructions on how to make your own blog........and by the way if you had a good laugh about it in school 2 things i could guess who your friends/friend is in school......kosufsky 2nd if thats all you gotta talk about......NEBACH!!1! (and how you want the administrator to delete comments shows how your getting affended not thatanyone is trying to do so....)
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