Sunday, 11 January 2009


Does anyone know when the reunion is going to be????? If it is around the kinus then I won't be able to go because I am going to be in ISRAEL!!!!!


Lilly said...

no it not around that time

Anonymous said...

then when is it?

chaya wolff said...

Im so excited (talking about Israel here). Im in chaya k. class and were going together. We just had a meeting to discuss 'rules'.Ther're ok, except were not allowed in eachothers room. Thats the only rule I dont like. Im not going to the reunion anyway, b/c I wasnt in big emunah.

Anonymous said...

does anybody know if the reunion is around chof bais shevat time?????

Anonymous said...

Never ganna happen..........
if it is then..........
WHEN IS IT??????,,?

Anonymous said...

when moshiach comes iy"h!!!!!!!