Monday, 22 December 2008

happy chanukah

Hi everyone,
Wow! Could you believe how fast time flies?
its already chanukah time....
Well, i hope you are all still in shape., from the most incredible summer!
Well just wanted to wish you all
Happy Chanukah
Missing you all very much
Enjoy your vacation everyone...whenever it may be!
Hope you are all doing well.
Missing you all tonzz
your, hc's


Anonymous said...

my vacation is on friday,shabbos,sunday, that nuts or what?

Chaya M. Koso said...

my vacation is from This Friday through this week, and next week

Anonymous said...

my vacation is all year round!!!
how do u like that?!?!?!?!?!

Chaya Simon said...

anonymous #1, are you chaya klein?

Anonymous said...

no! it is not me! id not post on this blog as anonymous, but i do have the same vacation and it is sorta crazy

Anonymous said...

my vacation was friday shabbos sunday monday tuesday wednesday and when we came back to school only our classroom was painted over because we are the messiest