Thursday, 27 November 2008


Gavriel Noach ben Freida Bluma, and his wife Rivka bas Yehudis.

These are the shluchim in the attack. Say tehillem and give tzedaka.


Anonymous said...

burach dian emes.they passed away

Anonymous said...

its so sad
never b/4 did shluchim of the rebbe get killed
baruch dyan emes

Anonymous said...

i didnt know them, but i cried my eyes out when they passed away
(i did anonymous on perpous)

Anonymous said...

They are my uncle's cousin. I feel soooooooo bad and I am sorry for their family. The poor kid Moishe is going to be tramitized.
Boruch Dayn Emes

chaya wolff said...

But it was such a miracle that he was saved! If anybody doubted that hashem was with these ppl. , this is proof. The nanny deserves a metal!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

btw there were shluchim killed in 1956 around in kfar chabad also in a terrorist attak there were 4 students and a rebbi killed there but we are actually living this and yes this is not only terrible news its horrible news we need moshiach now!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

is anyone going to post anything?